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ISACs are member-driven organizations, delivering
all-hazards threat and mitigation information to asset owners and operators.


Sector-based Information Sharing and Analysis Centers collaborate with each other via the National Council of ISACs. Formed in 2003, the NCI today comprises 28 organizations. It is a coordinating body designed to maximize information flow across the private sector critical infrastructures and with government. Critical infrastructure sectors and subsectors that do not have ISACs are invited to contact the NCI to learn how they can participate in NCI activities.  


Information Sharing and Analysis Centers help critical infrastructure owners and operators protect their facilities, personnel and customers from cyber and physical security threats and other hazards. ISACs collect, analyze and disseminate actionable threat information to their members and provide members with tools to mitigate risks and enhance resiliency. ISACs reach deep into their sectors, communicating critical information far and wide and maintaining sector-wide situational awareness.


© 2025 National Council of ISACs

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